I finally made my debut at Disneyland in California! I went there with my brother’s family in the first week of February. While eagerly anticipating the trip, I wanted to avoid being weighed down by carrying too much stuff. I was also a bit concerned about dealing with the winter chill in Winter California since I hadn't experienced it much before.
In order not to regret a single moment of my Disney trip, I'm here to share the top 5 items that came in handy based on my own experience!
First off, let's talk about the conditions:
- I was traveling with kids.
- Rain was in the forecast.
- Temperatures were in the 50s Fahrenheit.
- There are plenty of photo oppotunities.
We had a solid two-day plan, with Adventureland on day one and Disneyland on the next, without crisscrossing between parks. The weather during our stay hovered in the 50s, with sunny skies on day one and rain expected to roll in later on day two.
Given all that, here are three things I kept in mind when selecting travel items:
- Stylish.
- Light.
- Easy to clean.
Now, let's dive into the list of items that really saved the day! #tokyostandardsmystandards
Air Tag
Disneyland gets everyone hyped up, adults included. There are those moments when you get lost in the magic of a souvenir shop, and you've lost sight of your crew before you know it. This wrist band stands out, providing added security for your special cargo.

iPhone charger
With a full day of adventure ahead, having a charger for your phone is a must! Casely's Power Pod is sleek, lightweight, and snaps right on, making it super convenient! I chose a limited edition, Van Gogh's Flowers.

Hand Wipes
One of the best things about Disneyland is all the snacking on the go! Hand wipes reduces your stress in sticky situations like when you eat popcorn or churros. Moreover, when the tables at the restaurants inside the park were not very clean, I could easily wipe the tables down before meals.

Coffee Thermos
Did you know you're allowed to bring drinks into Disneyland? There's a Starbucks in the park, but I brought my coffee thermos along with a water bottle, since our hotel room had a coffee maker. This thermos from Thermos JP is light enough to carry in my bag and all parts are dishwasher free! FYI: one water bottle was good enough because there are many water fountains in the park to fill your bottle.

Air Bird Sneakers
You're doing a ton of walking in the park, so comfy shoes are key. But since you're also taking portraits left and right, you don't want to sacrifice style. That's why I opted for these Women's Tree Runners from All Birds. They're lightweight, cozy, and kept my feet warm in winter Disneyland. Even if they got a bit scuffed up in the crowds, it wasn't a big deal because the shoes are machine washable!

With all the walking around the park and the inevitable wait times for rides, the last thing you want is to be lugging around a heavy bag. That's where Shupatto comes in clutch! This white Shupatto is a stylish collaboration with United Arrows that doesn't scream 'shopping bag.' This is also machine-washable!

Water-repellent Furoshiki
I brought a booster set on the plane for my seven-year-old son so that we could travel by car from LAX airport to the hotel near Disneyland. I wrapped it in this water-repellent furoshiki and carried it with the handle. When not in use, I folded up the furoshiki and put it in my bag. It also served as a napkin when dining in the park!

We were clocking in close to 20,000 steps each day, but thanks to these items, we had a blast without feeling wiped out. I'm sure these will come in handy for any fun-filled outing with photo ops!
カリフォルニアディズニーに持っていってよかったもの 2024冬版
- スタイリッシュ
- 軽量
- 洗いやすい
Air Tag
人混みに子どもを連れていく時にあると安心なのが Air Tag。ディズニーランドは、大人も子どもも興奮状態になりがち。ちょっとお土産屋さんなどで夢中になった瞬間に、あっという間にお互いを見失ってしまったりします。腕時計タイプは目立つので、防犯対策アピールにもなる気がしました。

iPhone の充電器
一日中外出するので、携帯の充電器は必須!でも充電器って意外と嵩張ったり重かったり、コードが必要で面倒だったりもします。この Casely の Power Pods は薄くて軽くてピタッとつけるだけなので、すごく重宝しました!ちなみに私は限定の Van Gogh's Flowers 柄を愛用しています。


ディズニーランドは飲み物の持ち込みが許可されています。私は水ボトルはもちろん、コーヒーサーモスも持ち込みました!園内にスターバックスもありましたが、滞在先のホテルの部屋にコーヒーメーカーが備え付けられていたので、自分の好きなコーヒーブランドのドリップバッグでコーヒーを入れて持って行ったら、気分が上がりましたよ!この Thermos のケータイマグは全パーツ食洗機対応なので愛用しています。

Air Bird のスニーカー
園内はたくさん歩くので、歩きやすい靴が一番。でも、園内では写真もたくさん撮るので、ダサ見えは避けたい・・・ということで選んだのが、この Air Birds の「Women's Tree Runners」。軽くて暖かいので、冬のディズニーランドでも足元が全然冷えなくて快適でした。汚れたら洗えるので、人混みで靴を踏まれたりしてもストレスになりませんでした!

園内ではたくさん歩く上、アトラクションの待ち時間もあるまで、荷物はできるだけ軽くしたいところ。そこで私はシュパットを手持ちバッグに採用しました!この United Arrows とのコラボのシュパットはとってもおしゃれで全然買い物バッグに見えません。買ったものをあれこれ手にぶら下げて持たなくても全部入るので、写真を撮る時なども見苦しい感じにならなかったのがとても良かったです!洗濯機での洗濯OKなので、汚れても余裕!

今回、LAX 空港からディズニーランド前のホテルまで車移動をしたので、機内にブースターセットを持ち込んだのですが、その時にこの風呂敷が大活躍。包むと持ち手ができて運びやすく、ウォータープルーフなので汚れもつきにくくストレスになりません。使わない時は畳んでしまえるので邪魔にもならないですし、園内で食事をする時のナプキン代わりにもなりました!
